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NYCbaby last won the day on December 24 2018

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177 Excellent

About NYCbaby

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  1. There is no time more fitting to say thank you and to wish you all a happy holiday season! May your new year be filled with peace, happiness and a lot of fun time gaming.
  2. Yes. He's a chill dude and he puts up with... Swizzle.
  3. I advised him to post here. He sometimes plays for hours on end and could be of help during the wee hours (US time.) We will have to show him how to install and use Procon, as he has no experience admining. But that isn't a big concern.
  4. Calling all heroes of Overwatch: Current and new Twitch Prime members will receive a Golden Loot Box for Overwatch containing a legendary item for one of the game’s heroes along with three additional in-game items, such as emotes, voice lines, or character skins. Over the coming months, Twitch Prime members will receive 10 more loot boxes containing more in-game content. Similar promotions for Heroes of the Storm and Hearthstone players are coming later this year. Further details will be announced in the months ahead. Find out how to get the golden loot box here.
  5. Farewell. I'm just going to leave this here...
  6. Awesome.
  7. Try now.
  8. That's my bad, dude. I thought you were someone impersonating Cryptic. You were unbanned 2 min. later when I realized who it is. My apologies.
  9. App. withdrawn because he decided that playing on high pop servers isn't for him. He is welcome to reapply at any point after speaking with me.
  10. H1z1: Just Survive is an MMORPG game, not an FPS title. If all you care about is how well someone shoots - go and play KoTK and/or CS:GO. You can't claim how people who have thousands of hours in H1z1:JS are "shit players" simply because they choose not to PvP and prefer to engage in base-related, farming or other activities. That is their choice and it is to be respected. For what it's worth - Cryptic can build bases that you can only dream of. And you'd have to play for another 2,000 hrs. to learn a fraction of everything that Iniko knows about raiding. But go ahead - call them bad players again. We also just so happen to have 5 players in the group ranked royalty in KoTK. Where is your rank at? Nowhere. You clearly do not possess the mental capability and maturity to understand how this game works and that having players with various interests helps create balance. With that being said - we always have and will continue to welcome mature & friendly individuals with diverse interests and coming from all backgrounds. On that same note - I find it ironic how you got one such "PvE shit players" (as you call them) to pay for your TS3, create your two-bit group's logo and so on. Sergio has expressed multiple times how he has limited skill and zero interest when it comes to pvp-ing in JS. Let's see how long it takes before he realizes what a two-faced immature child you are. I couldn't care less if you raid our base in game successfully or not. But there is fighting other clans in game, pvp-ing, raiding, even being hostile towards people... And then there is pure toxicity expressed through sexism, racism, spamming your mic playing racist songs, impersonating, threatening to use aimbot against someone and coming by their base for 4 hrs. straight. Not only is this considered harassment, it's pathetic. You should seriously stop embarrassing yourself and find something more productive to do with your time. You aren't being interesting or funny, just petty. You aren't the first troll that I or this clan have encountered in the gaming world. I have personally muted you in game and have zero interest in anything further that you might have to say. So don't waste your breath. Take care (and do yourself a favor - work on fixing whatever emotional disturbances are causing your unhealthy obsessive behavior with me and SoV in general.)