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About Kelsieanne

  • Birthday 03/06/1992

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  1. You coming back online anytime soon!?

  2. Stay active in TeamSpeak and my vote is Yes yes yes!!!!
  3. Hey everyone just want to let you know that I won't be on for the next week. I had to fly home for a funeral but I'll be back in game when I get back!

  4. Hey I was wondering if we know whats going on with this crazy lag!? its really bad and a lot of people have been complaining about it. just curious what to tell them. thanks
  5. Hey everyone! Ordered new ram! Hopefully it was the only issue! Fingers crossed

  6. Hey everyone sorry I haven't been on a lot! I have been having some issues with my computer and my husband is working on fixing it. Might start building a new computer! I'm trying to come on as much as possible but for some reason just the game won't work :/ ugh hopefully fixed soon

  7. Thank you bunches everyone
  8. Hey I dont have a steam account or battlelog. I only really play bad copmpany 2 and when i play battlefield 4 its under my husbands account.
  9. Thanks wolfy!!!!