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Badbreath1911 last won the day on December 17 2016

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3 Neutral

About Badbreath1911

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  1. overwatch

    banned for an aimbot. I was playing BF4 and got a frantic TS cry from help from the BF3 server for a hacker running amok. I loaded up BF3 which I have not played in some time and had to re-figure out how to start my procon again and went in to observe. He was 31 to zero with nothing really showing on cheat o meter at that time. I followed him around trying to get my film working (which I could not) and asked him several times to leave by then he was 81-0. I managed to get procon running and by that time he was 141-1. I hit the ban button before I copied his Guid. Yes I know that I screwed up procedures with a complete comedy of errors but I did get rid of him before he completely cleaned out our server (about half left). He never acknowledged me even with me in his face glitching him out he just kept running around botting people. Sorry folks this caught me off guard and way out of practice. I will review how to run all of this again as I have been on BF4 for some time now.
  2. Ok we have tried a number of things, but as we keep discussing among ourselves, as we try to populate the BF4 servers we are not being very successful especially with the new conquest server. We had six on last night for over an hour and did not attract anyone not already banned by fairfight. We switched over to our TDM server and attracted two within 10-15 minutes. It was still rolling with 16 players when I checked on it before I went to bed. Looking at what I see in the server browser most conquest maps are and remain unpopulated unless they are special map sets like naval strike and final stand. Night operations attract people also. TDM servers are easier to populate and keep populated for longer times. Face it you rank up faster. I spoke with one of the admins for TG which keeps their TDM server populated most of the time. They had the same issues but went to a 60% health setting and they added a couple of seeders. My suggestion is to add two seeders to the TDM server so that members can populate with only two people instead of 4. I realize that seeders are annoying but they will help with being able to get an empty server going. Let's try the custom reduced health, maybe 70-75% not a full on HC 60% and see what people think and if we can keep a population running. Just some thoughts on things we could try, Badbreath