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dariuskills last won the day on May 10 2018

dariuskills had the most liked content!

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138 Excellent

About dariuskills

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  1. Unbanned.
  2. Unbanned.
  3. Unbanned.
  4. Don't bump. Have patience.
  5. He's already a member, looks like that didn't make it into the forum post.
  6. Is it really vitally important to your life that you try to call me out in every forum post you make? Is that a thing now? This thread has nothing to do with me.
  7. Cool. I have a suspicion as to which ban it is, but I'd like to confirm for sure. The best way would be the EA GUID, since that's what was used in the ban.
  8. Yes, turns out I can read. As I said, that name isn't banned on our server. It's possible you're banned by your EA GUID and your name wasn't recorded in the ban, if you want to PM me your EA GUID I can look into that.
  9. I don't see a ban on that name. Were you playing under a different name when banned? Otherwise it might have been a temp ban (though our admins aren't supposed to temp ban for hacking, so..)
  10. We do. The forum is not the best place to alert us, though. Joining our discord and notifying an admin would be more helpful as you can get an immediate response that way. Also, we have a progressive system for enforcing ban/roof violators (meaning we don't just jump straight to a perm ban, we start off with killing, kicking, temp ban, etc. first).
  11. Please don't spam ban appeals, guys.
  12. I think Wild Elephant's account got hacked.
  13. Unbanned. FYI, "Atroz" means "atrocious" in Spanish. Super is used as a modifier to mean more so or especially.