
[SoV] Commander
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Marciano last won the day on August 12 2016

Marciano had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

29 Excellent

About Marciano

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  1. This is a mature and adult community with a minimum age of 18.
  2. I'm gonna go with a no based solely on the name. It insinuates a stereotype to a particular demographic. If the name and TS can be remedied and I get some game time with you that could persuade my vote.
  3. Just curious do any of you cronies play titanfall 2?
  4. Do you currently use Rx Lenses? If so you can consult your current optometrist (or go in for a first time evaluation) Let them know you spend hours on a Computer Screen and they may be able to help you out. A lot of reasons as to what could be going on there.
  5. You may now tag up! Congratulations on becoming our newest [SoV] member! Please note that all new members are on a probation period of 4 weeks. Make sure that you remain active both in game and on the forums. Remember that the [SoV] tags are not for show. Wearing them means that you represent SoV. That brings certain responsibilities along with your membership. Remember the membership requirements that we have of being active on the forums, in-game and a presence on TS3 while in-game.
  6. You may now tag up! Congratulations on becoming our newest [SoV] member! Please note that all new members are on a probation period of 4 weeks. Make sure that you remain active both in game and on the forums. Remember that the [SoV] tags are not for show. Wearing them means that you represent SoV. That brings certain responsibilities along with your membership. Remember the membership requirements that we have of being active on the forums, in-game and a presence on TS3 while in-game.
  7. You may now tag up! Congratulations on becoming our newest [SoV] member! Please note that all new members are on a probation period of 4 weeks. Make sure that you remain active both in game and on the forums. Remember that the [SoV] tags are not for show. Wearing them means that you represent SoV. That brings certain responsibilities along with your membership. Remember the membership requirements that we have of being active on the forums, in-game and a presence on TS3 while in-game.
  8. elephant shoot me a pm with the radio show and name and ill also call in one day and talk about prevention of environmental illness.
  9. Wow that's pretty marvelous. on a side note I just drove by your town on my way to lynchburg Va hwy 81 for life
  10. Thanks for the interest in becoming a part of SoV (again)! Please accept all incoming invites on Steam so that our members can see you in-game and join you. A presence on Teamspeak is a requirement while in-game for our members, so continue hanging with us. When in-game or in Teamspeak if you see our members give them a friendly reminder that you have an application in. Keep an eye on this thread where all of our members have the right to vote their conscience. You will be notified in this thread when a decision has been made by a Commander. Good luck on your application and welcome!